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Backbone.Validation with Chaplin and CoffeeScript

Any sizable web application needs validation. Doing it yourself is for the birds, so I wanted to incorporate a backbone plugin to help solve the problem. For this example I chose to use Backbone.Validation.

Start with a basic framework. Brunch Application Assembler is a great way to bootstrap these projects. I used Paul Miller’s brunch-with-chaplin skeleton.

brunch new gh:paulmillr/brunch-with-chaplin

To start up the server, type brunch watch –server and go to http://localhost:3333/ in a new browser window. If everything is good, you’ll see this:

You’ll need a basic application to test out our concept, so we’ll modify the routes and the controller, and add a new view and template to our project.

1 module.exports = (match) ->
2   match '', 'home#index'
3   match 'form', 'home#form'
1 Controller = require 'controllers/base/controller'
2 HeaderView = require 'views/home/header-view'
3 FormView = require 'views/home/form'p>
4 module.exports = class HomeController extends Controller
5   form: ->
6     @view = new FormView region: 'main'
 1 View = require 'views/base/view'
 2 Form = require 'models/form'
 3 module.exports = class FormView extends View
 4   autoRender: true
 5   className: 'form-view'
 6   template: require './templates/form'
 7   events:
 8     'click a.validateButton' : "validate"
 9   initialize: ->
10     super
11     @model = new Form()
12       validate: (e) ->
13     @model.validate()
14     e.preventDefault()
3 type="text" name="name" class="name" /> 4
6 type="text" name="phone" class="phone" /> 7
9 type="text" name="email" class="email" /> 10
11 href="#" class="validateButton">Validate 12

With that code in place, lets do a quick checkpoint http://localhost:3333/form. We should get an ugly view like this:

So, we know we want a basic form that can save name, phone, and email. Following the guidelines on the validation docs, lets add the rules to our model.

1 BaseModel = require 'models/base/model'
2 module.exports = class Form extends BaseModel
3   validation :
4     name:
5       required: true
6     email:
7       required: true
8       pattern: "email"

We’ll also need to add the code to our vendor/scripts folder.

In a perfect world, the @model.validate() call would execute our validation rules. However, in this world, we get a javascript error

Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘validate’

There is one final step. We need to bind our model to the validation, so add the call in the attach method of our view:

1 attach: ->
2     super
3     Backbone.Validation.bind(@);

Thats it! Full source code for the example is available on github.

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